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AtmoSpark is on a mission to provide water to those with limited access. We want to make sure that access to clean, drinking water is never a concern to anyone and we want to lead the way for social impact driven tech ventures.

Our Team.

Our team at AtmoSpark is dedicated to making air to water technology accessible to everyone, especially those with limited access to clean water. We are a group passionate individuals who believe in the power of innovation to make a positive impact on people's lives. Together, we are committed to transforming way we get water from the air and creating a more sustainable future for all.


Redefining the Way We Serve

At AtmoSpark, we are committed to leveraging technology to ensure that everyone has access to clean, safe drinking water. Our approach is focused on creating innovative solutions to address water scarcity and improve the quality of life for communities in need.

Image by Akhil Nath


Get to Know Us

Having experienced water shortages first hand, we decided to work on a solution to a problemthat will be or is already prevalent in many countries around the world. It is estimated that about two thirds of the world lacks access to clean drinking water (Ref: Unicef). Access to clean water should be a basic human right. This prompted us to work on a solution to a widespread problem that is only going to get exacerbated in the future. Through hours of research and countless iterations of prototypes, we came up with a solution that is portable,energy efficient and gives anyone the ability to create water from the abundant air around us.

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